Hello there, Chef - ready for a fun cooking adventure?

Fix Food turns recipes into Quests and cooking into a fun adventure!

Fix Food is like a fun version of Google Maps for cooking


Fun, hand selected cooking Quests


cooking skills to progress


content added every week


of Achievements to earn

Become a home cooking Hero

Fix Food turns real life home cooking into a fun experience, where you can just show up and press play

Choose the recipe you want to cook

Complete a shopping Quest to get the groceries you need

Complete a cooking Quest to get delicious food!

Shop to prepare for your adventures

Complete Shopping Quests to get the groceries you need

Cooking Quests make any recipe easy and fun

Step-by-step instructions let you focus on one, simple thing at a time

Develop your cooking skills

Every cooking Task you complete earns you experience points in a relevant skill

Earn Achievements

Complete Quests and use your skills to earn Achievements!

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Forget the stress, just have fun

Our enhanced cooking Tasks make any recipe simple and easy to follow, letting you focus on the fun

Every Task is matched with the Skill you need to use

Every Task is matched with the required Tools

Every Task is matched with the Ingredients you need

Tasks with short videos show exactly what you need to do

Becoming a better you turned into a fun adventure

Questlines turn starting new diets or learning new skills into Questlines – sets of recipes that develop you to be a better you, one Quest at a time

Learn new skills while cooking

What better way to learn a new Skill than using it? Our interactive tutorials guide you through different Skills and have you using them in practice in no time!

Starting a new diet is made effortless through Questlines

Questlines take you on an adventure that take you from your first day on your new diet to an effortless lifestyle change, one Quest at a time.

Not just cooking

Eternal struggle with day to day life can feel like an impossible problem to solve. With Fix Food, they're just short Quests waiting to be completed!

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Any questions?

We’ve got answers!

What is Fix Food?

Fix Food is an AI-powered app that helps you and your family make cooking fun and easy.

How does Fix Food work?

Fix Food works like a game – you create an account, play through Quests to either prepare or perform cooking. For completing Quests, you are awarded with experience points and achievements.

What features does Fix Food offer?

Fix Food has a variety of recipes that have been turned into adventurous Quests. These Quests are kind of like levels in a video game, you start it, you complete it by following the instructions and you get rewarded in the end through experience points and Achievements! Larger concepts, like new diets or learning new skills, are longer adventures, Questlines, that you can complete one Quest at a time.

Is Fix Food free?

Yes! For the time being, we're offering Fix Food free of charge. No strings attached.

Are you going to be releasing new features?

Yes, currently we're eagerly developing new and exciting features for you to enjoy. We're updating the app constantly, so stay tuned!

Is there a Fix Food app I can download?

Not yet, but there will be. Currently, you can experience Fix Food in your browser.

Coming soon to App Stores near you!

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